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News - How to Clean Your Memory Foam Pillow: Easy Guide
Mikufoam is a manufacturer specializing in the production of various foam products

How to Clean Your Memory Foam Pillow: Easy Guide

Your memory foam pillow is an investment in your sleep quality. So it’s important to keep it clean and fresh. But how do you clean a memory foam pillow without damaging it? In this blog post, we’ll share our easy guide to cleaning your memory foam pillow.

What You’ll Need:

Mild soap

Warm water

Clean cloth

White vinegar (optional)

Remove the pillowcase. The first step is to remove the pillowcase from your memory foam pillow. This will allow you to access the pillow itself.

Spot clean any stains. If your pillow has any stains, you can spot clean them with a mild soap and warm water. Simply dampen a clean cloth with the soapy water and gently rub the stain.

Hand wash the pillow. Once you’ve spot cleaned any stains, you can hand wash the entire pillow. Fill your bathtub or sink with warm water and add a small amount of mild soap. Gently submerge the pillow in the water and swish it around to remove any dirt or debris.

Rinse the pillow thoroughly. Once you’ve washed the pillow, rinse it thoroughly with clean water to remove all of the soap.

Air dry the pillow. Do not put your memory foam pillow in the dryer. Instead, air dry it in a well-ventilated area. You can also fluff the pillow every few hours to help it dry faster.

Additional Tips:

You can add a cup of white vinegar to the water when you wash your pillow to help remove any odors.

If your pillow has a strong odor, you can sprinkle it with baking soda and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up.

Wash your memory foam pillow every 3-6 months to keep it clean and fresh.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your memory foam pillow clean and fresh for years to come. A clean pillow will help you sleep better and prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Post time: Jun-18-2024